2015年4月22日 星期三

BHS Sports Day 2015

BHS Sports Day 2015

BHS Sports Day 2015

BHS Sports Day 2015

It's a great day for sports today. Weather is fine!

Temp     : 21-25 C.Degrees

Humidity : 75-90%

Rainfall :0 mm

Cloudy with sunshine

Everyone did great ! Enjoy with smile and happy faces ! Thanks God for giving us such fine weather!

2014年5月22日 星期四


May 23, 2014 (Fri)
This morning no school to ESF as CPDay. Once wake up, Haosen raise up his first question.
"mami, can I ask you a question? " Haosen asks ;
"yes," mami says ;
"why monkey has good eyesight than us ?" Haosen asks ;
"becos the eye structure of monkey is different to us,  eagles too" mami answers ;
"what is the structure different ?" Haosen asks ;
"monkeys and eagles' eyes structure is different to human," mami answers ;

mami can't answer anymore !

2014年1月19日 星期日

Love reading storybook before sleep

Haosen must request reading storybook before sleep. He read by his own while mommy is taking shower.

2014年1月17日 星期五